Happy National Popcorn Day

January 19th, 2014

Happy National Popcorn Day! Here's a few ideas to celebrate one of our favorite treats:

  • Stringing popcorn (these could be hung outside for birds to eat)
    Need: sewing needles, string, popcorn
  • Guess the amount (fill container with kernels and have students guess)
    Need: popcorn kernels, container
  • Popcorn air hockey—can you “volley” the kernel back and forth 20 times without letting it fall?
    Need: flat surface (table), straw (to blow), coffee stirrers (as paddles) or hands (as paddles)
  • Popcorn relay race
    Need: popcorn, spoons
  • Popcorn basketball: can you flick a piece of popcorn into the basket?
    Need: popcorn, baskets (i.e. muffin tins, small cups), backboards (wall, cardboard)
  • Popcorn word search (puzzle maker)
    Popcorn, pop, kernel, explode, heat, moisture, grain, snack, crunchy, butter, oil, salt, fiber, bag, hull
  • Write a popcorn Haiku (5, 7, 5 syllable pattern poem)
    Oil, kernels, heat, time
    Many loud explosions heard
    Pop, crunch, snack time. Yum!
  • How many words can you make from this phrase?
    "Fresh hot popcorn”, “Popcorn tastes good”, “I like popcorn”, “Hot buttered popcorn”
  • Popcorn coloring pages (download from www.popcorn.org)
  • Read facts about popcorn at www.popcorn.org and write about the history of popcorn

Stop by today and check out our popcorn booth!